MW classes:
02-25 Chapter#5 Political Landscape
03-02 #5
03-04 Chapter#7 Political Parties
Spring Break 03/09-13
03-16 #7
03-18 Chapter#8 Public Opinion, Participation, and Voting
03-23 Chapter#9 Campaigns and Elections
03-25 #9
03-30 Chapter 10 The Media
04-01 Test #2
TTH classes:
02-26 Chapter#5 Political Landscape
03-03 #5
03-05 Chapter#7 Political Parties
Spring Break 03/09-13
03-17 #7
03-19 Chapter#8 Public Opinion, Participation, and Voting
03-24 Chapter#9 Campaign and Elections
03-26 #9
03-31 Chapter 10 The Media
04-02 Test #2